United Neighbors

A California Coalition to Protect Neighborhoods United Neighbors is a coalition of neighborhood residential groups throughout California. Their common goal is to protect multi-family and single-family neighborhoods while supporting affordable and equitable housing for all.
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SB10 artist rendering

SB 9 – The California Home Act – Update

Now the Planning Department has decided to change that criteria and remove the date for eligibility completely so that anytime a religious institution buys land in any area including single family neighborhoods they can build apartments

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SB10 artist rendering

United Neighbors – SB 4 – Update

Now the Planning Department has decided to change that criteria and remove the date for eligibility completely so that anytime a religious institution buys land in any area including single family neighborhoods they can build apartments

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SB10 artist rendering

United Neighbors – March 2024 Update

Recently, we sent you the guidelines we hope will be adopted for the draft Ordinance for ED 1. Our goal is to get guidelines into the Ordinance that will protect our communities from some of the more outrageous projects seeking ED 1 approval.

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SB10 artist rendering

United Neighbors – Call to Action

Message from United Nieghbors – October 2023 Hi Everyone, This morning we  sent a letter to the mayor from United Neighbors.  We did not use group logos.  We felt if we needed a follow up letter, we would include our logos then. The letter stated our concerns with the Planning…

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united neighbors

Interesting news for United Neighbors!

The following is an update from United Neighbors: Hi All, We were just contacted by a very senior staffer in the LA Planning Department asking us to work with them on the Housing Element maps.  They want to work as a team with each of our communities.  This certainly makes us…

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Clearwater Project

Here is the last video posted on the Clearwater Project: January 2024 Newsletter https://clearwater.lacsd.org/video.asp?videoName=TBM-060821&format=mp4. For an up-to-date presentation, please join us at our annual meeting on March 21.

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dense housing

United Neighbors meeting February 28

The next United Neighbors Zoom meeting is Tuesday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m.  The focus for this meeting is on LA’s Housing Element. United Neighbors hopes all of you that represent neighborhood groups in LA will be part of our call as we inform you of what they have been doing…

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neighborhood after SB9

United Neighbors update 09/03

The following is a note from Maria of United Neighbors: Some of you have requested a quick summary on how to approach your Housing Element. We have enclosed a short summary for LA area folks and for those in other areas. We know this process can seem daunting but  we…

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united neighbors

United Neighbors Meeting, August 22

The following is a note from Maria of United Neighbors: Here is the link to the United Neighbors meeting on Monday, August 22, 2022 @ 6:00p.m. Please join us as we discuss the Housing Element that affects all of us for better or for worse. We hope your Housing Element is…

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dense housing

United Neighbors – May update

The following is an update from the United Neighbors group: Hi Everyone, It was great seeing many of you yesterday.  As a recap, we focused our discussion on the Housing Element that each city must submit to the State.  The Housing Element needs to show where housing might be built within…

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apartment building under construction

United Neighbors April Update

We have not gone away!  We have been busy meeting with legislators about our housing “crisis” hoping to change the narrative from more supply to more affordable housing.  Not surprisingly,  most of our legislators are tied to the leadership rhetoric that we need more housing supply.  We have shown all…

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united neighbors

A Success Story from United Neighbors

The following is a success story from Maria Pavlou Kalban of United Neighbors regarding Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA): I wanted to share some good news with everyone. The California Alliance of Local Electeds (CALE), has for two years worked tirelessly to get an audit made on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) numbers. These are…

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dense housing

United Neighbors February 26 Meeting

Hi All, United Neighbors will be having their next meeting on Saturday, February 26 at 10 a.m.      They hope to give all of you a greater understanding of what forces are at play in Sacramento and discuss how we will move forward together.  Joining this presentation will be…

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SB10 artist rendering

United Neighbors update

For all our concerned members; the detailed report below is status of SB-9, SB-10 meeting that took place Saturday 9/25. We are still in the fight to protect our property rights. Rich Hi All, Thank you for attending our Saturday meeting. We will be adding our Saturday video to our…

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neighborhood after SB9

United Neighbors Meeting

Here is the Zoom link for our Saturday meeting that will be at 10:00 a.m. Hope all of you can be there so we can discuss our options moving forward now that SB 9 and SB 10 have been signed by the Governor. We will give you insight on what is happening…

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Cindy Montanez

United Neighbors Town Hall recordings

Below is an update from United Neighbors regarding SB-9 and SB-10. Hi All! I want to let everyone know that the town hall we had on Saturday had 1100 attendees!  Everyone on the zoom was told to take action—–talk or write their assemblymember and the governor now.  I am including…

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