United Neighbors
A California Coalition to Protect Neighborhoods
United Neighbors is a coalition of neighborhood residential groups throughout California. Their common goal is to protect multi-family and single-family neighborhoods while supporting affordable and equitable housing for all.
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City Council to hear Draft #3
We have one more hurdle to jump, the City Council. This draft #3 will put housing on our commercial corridors and not in our single family neighborhoods.
Draft #3 of CHIP/Housing Element – Update
We have one more hurdle to jump, the City Council. This draft #3 will put housing on our commercial corridors and not in our single family neighborhoods.
Next Step – Send letters to Council Members
Our next step is to send a message to our individual council member.
PLUM voted unanimously to support Draft #3 without Exhibit D!
Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUM) of the City Council voted unanimously to support Draft #3 without Exhibit D!!
The Record has been corrected
The Planning Department informed us this morning that the Letter of Determination that stated Exhibit D was “recommended” by the Commission
Upcoming PLUM Meeting Prep
The Planning Commission needs to hear from us regarding Draft #3 of the CHIP/Housing Element rezoning plan.