Historical Photos of South Shores
We hope you enjoy these historic photos of South Shores and San Pedro. Click on any image to view a full-size slide show.
Check out these videos for a more in-depth history of the Harbor Area.
1542-1902 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part I – From Mudflats to Modern Port (video)
1921-1941 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part II – Birth of an International Port (video)
1941-1960 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part III – War, Peace, and Prosperity (video)
1960 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part IV – The Past is Prologue (video)
Date: June 1979Time: Just before the early morning commute to work.Place: Craig Michaelis’ Chevron station, where the Mercedes repair shop now standsDetails: Notice the Lucky Store being converted to an Albertsons. Later, the Albertsons gave way to a Haggens for 1 year. Then followed Smart and Final. Also, notice the yellow Fotomat photo kiosk next to the gas station. Also, remember that orange 76 gas station where Chase Bank now stands? South Shores had 3 gas stations back then!Reason all those cars were lined up from the gas station to Bank of America:In 1979, oil production dropped in the wake of the Iranian Revolution. Global oil supply dropped by only 4%, but the oil markets’ overreaction raised the price of crude oil drastically over the next 12 months. Crude oil prices more than doubled to $39.50 per barrel. This, in turn, created fuel shortages, hence long lines at gas stations like this one that ran from the B of A at 25th/Western all the way to this Chevron station at 25th and Moray Ave.