I hope that all our neighbors enjoyed a hearty, bountiful, thankful and grateful Thanksgiving.  Somehow, the hours and days following Thanksgiving, have the appearance and feeling the clock speeds up.  The Holiday Season is upon us! 

Having said that, with the Holiday Season comes many social activities, house parties, sponsored events, “Toys for Tots”, food drives etc. etc.  We must all be conscious of events around us, remain diligent, careful, aware of our neighborhoods, cover each other’s back, lock cars, do not leave anything in eye shot of our cars. Remember as we celebrate, there are those awaiting an opportunity to take advantage of our charity, naivety, our comings and goings from home, cars left with goodies, or doors left unlocked.  

Holiday Decorations schedule:

  • Entrée Evaluation 12.15.23
  • Cocoa at the cul-de-sac 12.15.23, 1944 W. 26th St. @6:30pm
  • Award selection 12.19.23 for
  • Award Selection announcement 12.22.23  

Other dates of note:

  • 25th & Western drive-thru coffee establishment presentation by Developer 12.06, B of A @ 1pm
  • Outdoor Movie “Fund Raiser for Logan” high school trip, 2501 Robalo 12.08 @ 6:30pm
  • H & H Coastal Real Estate Toy Drive 12.08. (see web for details)
  • Al D’Amico’s Marine Corp. “Toys for Tots” 12.10, (see web for details)

The Sociables continue their successful year of activities with enthusiasm, focus and growth.  Volunteers being sought in Sidewalks Brigade to address Cumbre & Mantis, work and planting.  Welcome Wagon activity and disbursement of gifts, has achieved an additional 30 new members for 2023.         

Posting of United Neighbors (please see website), issues, proposals, influence and achievements continue to provide knowledge to our members of zoning issues, that impact your neighborhoods. 

In spite of an initial discussion by the developer at the September 2022 “Social Event” the proposed 25th Street & Western Ave. drive thru coffee establishment, has brought more than its share of controversy, pros & cons, finger pointing, accusations, emotional discourse, and allegations of information failure.  However, a review of “Minutes, Agendas and Presidents Corner” reveals that the information as it was known at any given time was conveyed.  Most of the resident’s lack of knowledge has come from those who are Not SSCA members, or members who do not visit the SSCA website.  With the implementation of the banner “NEIGHBORHOOD ALERT” appearing on the opening page of our website, email and evite should assist in alleviating issues such as this in the future.   

As I end this “Presidents’ Corner”, we are on the precipice of war in the mid-east, threats in the far-east, constant bickering in Washington, protests throughout the nation, fear when shopping, pilferage in stores we shop at.  However, let’s bind together, continue to build a stronger neighborhood, pray for a healthy, safe, stronger community.  Help our less fortunate neighbors, remain Stallworth in our beliefs, examples for our children and grandchildren, continue to be trustworthy, humble and practice the “American Way”. 

Wishing ALL Happy Holidays!  I hope you are able to gather with friends and family, to share the many blessings of the season. 

At this time, let us all be reminded of the many men and women serving our country, many of whom are far away from home, standing dutifully, selflessly making sacrifices to protect our way of life.

Let’s keep Bob Genest in our prayers; Bob is having knee surgery 12.07.2023.           

Membership for 2024 remains at $20.00 for the year.  The SSCA year begins January 01, and goes on to December 31 of that ensuing year.  New members are welcome to join, or renew throughout the year, however, 2024 DUES are requested by April 1st, 2024.

Please visit us on our website: www.southshoresca.org for additional news of your neighborhood. 


Richard F. Scandaliato,
President SSCA,
