BOD Meeting Agenda 11.21.2023

  1. Call to order  ———Richard F. Scandaliato
  2. Secretary Report—–Jerry Gaines
  3. Treasurer’s Report ——-Richard for Lori Terzoli
  4. Financial Status 
  5. Outstanding debt or bills ———none                                                                                                             
  6. Membership Committee ————-Gordon Thomas
    1. Membership Drive & campaign 2024, Invoices to be mailed week of 01.08.24
    2. Question – Entire neighborhood, or only existing members???
  7. Web Report ———–Gordon Thomas/Perry Okimoto                 
  8. Sociables ——–Anita Mannila
  9. Sidewalk Brigade (planting on Cumbre & Mantis corner) —–Gordon Thomas/volunteers
  10. Annual Business Meeting; tentative Tuesday 03.19.24 —–Richard Scandaliato
  11. Annual Reception 2024; tentative Sunday 09.15.24 ———-Welsh/Scandaliato/Thomas   
  12. Holiday decoration contest announcement ———Richard Welsh
  13. Old Business
    1. Holiday Light contest & award (confirm date & schedule)
      1. Entrée evaluation by 12.15.23 ——-Brian Ward/Erin Soto
      2. Award selection 12.19.23 @ Dec. mtg.
      3. Award selection announcement 12.22.23
      4. Coca at the Cul- de-sac; 12.22.23
    2. United Neighbors update:                                             August/John
      1. Should “sidewalk brigade” get involved with planting
    3. Welcome Wagon Qtr. 3, 11 complete
    4. “Distressed properties”
      1. Example-2525 W. 26ths street no progress
      2. 1953 Cumbre work in progress
  14. New Business:
    1. Insurance premium for 2024             Richard Welsh
    2. Donation to Elks Lodge, as agreed             Motion
    3. Age old Questions:
      1. How can we communicate to South Shore neighbors who are NOT members?
      2. How can we communicate to SS members, whose emails we do not have?
      3. How do we continue to communicate with members who do not frequent web?
        1. Evite, or other?                  ALL                                           
    4. Open dialogue 25th & Western       ALL

NEXT MEETING 12.19.2023 @7:00 pm                        Invited Guest: Erin K. Sato, Perry Okimoto