Our first in-person Board meeting was held May 16, with vibrant energy, enthusiasm, and new ideas and plans for a growing SSCA.
Membership Drive 2023 continues. If each member can recruit a previous or new member, our goal of 500 will be achieved. Bob Genest’s effort appealing to CyberWatch members has made a positive impact. Our GOAL remains 500 or more members.
At our May meeting, Bob Genest offered several suggestions, including a more synergistic and cooperative alliance between CyberWatch and SSCA. Although both groups have long been aligned in keeping both our homes and neighborhood safe, henceforth it will be more evident and supportive. After all, where can you get cyber security, political clout, social interchange, neighborhood news, volunteers to clean up unsightly and overgrown grass, quarterly crime reports, and incident reports as measured against LAPD reported data, and over 430 pairs of eyes looking out for one another for ONLY $20.00/year. More to come on this subject. Once again, thank you, Bob!
Property developer Erwin Busy, will be reaching out to homeowners on 23rd street to discuss the plan at revamping the Smart & Final and Bank of America property.
Unfortunately, our Webmaster Jeniffer McMullen will be leaving us July 1st. If anyone has interest in picking up this necessary task, please let us know. This is the most important communications vehicle your association has.
Royal Palms continues to get the attention that it deserves. Let’s hope the warm weather and this enjoyable and safe atmosphere continues.
Now that Covid has taken a back seat to socialization, the Welcome Wagon is being reinstated by our neighbors and former Board member Ed Storti and his wife JoAnne. Stay tuned for our progress in welcoming new neighbors to the Best and Safest Neighborhood in the West.
Our new Councilman Tim McOsker and his capable team have been hard at work in addressing several of the items on a prepared list sent to the Councilman at his behest. Both a budgetary and engineering investigation is underway in fixing the alleyways off of Paseo Del Mar and 37th Street. Sidewalk repair is now in progress on Palacios and Mantis; as well as other parts of the 1-5, and weed clean up on Western Ave. Councilman McOsker has been diligent and informative with recent updates — these can be accessed via the Councilmember’s account @TimMcOskerLA on all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube).
Please stay cautious. Recent rain has brought forth both beauty and fire hazards on the hills and plains of South Shores.
Both the Sociables and Sidewalk Brigade continue their respective activities with growing participation, attendance, and enthusiasm. Speaking of the Sociables, there appears to be interest in a couple’s type social group. If there is anyone out there who is willing to pick up the gauntlet and run with it, please let us know. Anita Mannila already has a formula for success. It would simply be a matter of filling a need and implementation. On May 27th, the Elks Club has a weed abatement scheduled from 9am to 1pm. Lunch will be provided to all volunteer workers.
This year’s Members Only Reception is scheduled for Sunday, October 1 at the Elks Club. More news and detail to come. As previously mentioned, the SSCA annual membership drive continues unimpeded toward our GOAL of 500. Membership donation remains at $20.00 for the year. The SSCA year begins January 01 and goes on to December 31 of that ensuing year. If you haven’t joined yet, please visit our Become A Member page.