Your South Shores Community Association (SSCA) Members Only Reception was a rousing success! Attendees reached just under 200 guests.
There was a perfect mix of “the old guard”(residents who have been members for 50 plus years), new residents, and new members. The SSCA membership increased, as well as, that of CyberWatch and Sociables sub-sets.
A tremendous thank you goes out to Gordon Thomas, together with the help of Richard Welsh, Jim Wellington, Marc & Liz Ecocia, Chris & Noel Reyes, Rose & David Zatz, and my wife Jo-Ann who handled membership verification, sign-in, ticket and wristband distribution, and kept the receiving line moving.
Our guest speakers – LA Supervisor Janice Hahn; Candidate for 15th District Councilman seat Tim McOsker; Melody Shortle, LAPD Lead Officer; and Erwin Busy Real Estate Investor/Property Developer – were all outstanding, informative, enthusiastic, and passionate given their respective roles, duties, and goals for San Pedro and specifically South Shores.
The San Pedro Elks Lodge #966 were excellent hosts for this neighborhood get together. General Manager Bernard Vargas, Event Coordinator Delina Ugaide, and Elks Exalted Ruler Mike Bennison have created an atmosphere and culture for hosting special events, such as we witnessed Sunday. All should be proud. The Elks staff who served were outstanding, thoughtful, courteous, and helpful. Acoustics could use an upgrade.
As President, I spoke of our many accomplishments, none of which could have been achieved, without the support and assistance of our two community leaders and staff, LA Supervisor Janice Hahn, Councilman Joe Buscaino, LAPD Senior Lead Officer Melody Shortle and our budding relationship with LASD Captain James Powell. Acknowledgement of “thanks” was extended to those individuals who signed a petition for the “no turning” signs on 19th and Western.
I would be less than truthful if I didn’t say I was a little nervous about this event. Having come off the two plus “pandemic years” who would come, how many would come, would there be sufficient food, would it be too warm, etc. etc. However, having a team like Gordon Thomas, whose work in putting together the Evites and keeping track of responses, Richard Welsh who presented the idea of having it at the Elks Lodge, and of course Vern Hall whose experience and wisdom as Membership Committee paved the way for success.
I want to say “thank you” for all those who helped, came, saw, participated, and enjoyed this very special Members Only Reception.
If anyone has any pictures they care to share, please send them to us at info@southshoresCA.org.
Remember, the SSCA year begins January 01 and goes through December 31 of that ensuing calendar year.
Please visit us on our website www.southshoresca.org for additional news of your neighborhood.
Richard F. Scandaliato
President SSCA