Purpose – The following is a monthly update to our membership.

Mark your calendars for the next Health & Wellness symposium September 29th. Topic Memory Loss. This will be the third and final in the 2018 series. Based on the increasing number of participants and community feedback, plans are underway to continue the Health & Wellness symposiums throughout 2019. The venue will once again be Little Company of Mary, 10am Saturday 09/29/18. Ed Storti will continue to be the SSCA organizer and planner for these events.

Ongoing News – This year’s annual “membership drive” has officially ended, but as always new members are welcome. The SSCA membership encompasses 488 South Shores residents

Welcome Wagon – The newly formed Welcome Wagon can be considered a success. Approximately 50% of our “new” neighbors have joined; and the process or reaching out will continue.

San Pedro Community Plan – Latest update is available online at planning.lacity.org.

Update News – A directive from the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department was issued 06/13/2018 addressing the proper handling of “homeless individuals”. The directive explicitly prohibits the “…involuntary move a homeless individual from a location…”

Trees on Western – The permit for environmental suitable trees on the Western Ave. median, has been granted, trees on order should planned by mid-September.

Little Italy – San Pedro’s will soon have its own Little Italy. Watch for updates.

Elks Club – Progress continues, with exterior hardscape, interior restrooms, drywall. Once permits are finalized, real progress will be forthcoming.

Other – Steady progress being made on development projects on 550 S. Palos Verdes St. and Mesa between 18th and 19th streets.

The above Community updates were provided as a courtesy from Ryan Ferguson | San Pedro Field Deputy for Councilman Joe Buscaino.



Rich F. Scandaliato, President SSCA

Dear Loyal Members of the SSCA:

Being unable to find volunteers to host the large number of SSCA members for the annual reception and unable to locate a suitable venue prior to the planned October event; it is with deep disappointment that I announce the cancellation of this event for 2018.

For the past several years, the annual SSCA reception has been held at the home of one of our gracious members. This year, however, finding a host has been somewhat of a challenge. Despite much effort and hours from Richard Welsh (Social Chair) no venue has been found.

As a result, the board has decided to push the reception to a later date; perhaps early 2019, with this resolution we, as a board, can spend more time finding a suitable venue. Be assured, we will be working tirelessly in the upcoming months to secure a venue for our patient member community.

We have discussed many options and have not taken this decision lightly. We hope that you can understand and forgive your SSCA Board for our inability to serve you; as promised. It is further hoped that this additional time will serve as an opportunity for us to put more time into the initial planning for this event in years to come. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely and embarrassed,

Richard F. Scandaliato, President SSCA