Purpose – The following is a monthly update to our membership.
On June 23rd your SSCA hosted the latest in a series of Health & Wellness symposiums held at Little Sisters of the Poor. This latest event was a tremendous success. The number of attendees was higher than expected, the presenters did a great job explaining hypertension, stroke symptoms and recognizing a stroke at the onset. In addition, there were stations set up for taking blood pressure. Ed Storti truly did a marvelous job in preparation and execution. It truly was a topic for ALL age groups!
The third in the series is scheduled for September 29th. Topic – Memory loss.
Ongoing News – This year’s annual “membership drive” has officially ended, but as always new members are welcome throughout the year. Thank you for your politeness in greeting our volunteers.
The SSCA membership encompasses 480 South Shores residents
Welcome Wagon – The initial “kick-off” of the Welcome Wagon is approximately fifty percent complete, generating new membership as well as welcoming new neighbors. The plan is to complete this task by the end of July.
San Pedro Community Plan – The latest update is available online at planning.lacity.org. This impressive and incredible 154-page plan covers the next 20-years for San Pedro. GREAT reading and insight into our future.
Update News – Nothing new to report regarding the Sheriff “drop off” of a homeless person in South Shores.
The permit for environmental suitable trees on the Western Avenue median, should be granted to CalTrans within the next week.
The two updates were provided as a courtesy from Ryan Ferguson, San Pedro Field Deputy for Councilman Joe Buscaino.
Elks Club – Rumors have it that target date is still 2018
Summer watch – Reminder to remain diligent and watchful during these summer months as we and our neighbors vacation.
SSCA Annual Reception – Tentatively scheduled for October. Time and place to be announced.
Rich F. Scandaliato, President SSCA