elks lodge construction

As I write this article, Brian Edwards from Harbro is in the final stages of getting the final permits and, most importantly, the final figures needed to settle the claim with the insurance carrier. The insurance adjusters from the start have been trying to lowball the claim. The first estimates and payment they wanted to give us was in the $3.5 million area. With Brian’s hard work and dedication to make sure we capture every aspect of what we are entitled to, this figure is now about 6.5 million. We are very close to reaching a final settlement and hope to see this figure grow a bit more.

Many have said “Why is it taking so long?” Well let’s face the fact that the insurance carrier wants to write the smallest check possible. Our job and responsibility as the leaders of San Pedro Elks Lodge is to make sure this is not settled until we can build the lodge back to its glory days and become the Jewel of Elkdom once again. Here’s to seeing our lodge built very soon so we can come together and work on all the charities Elkdom is known for.


Jose Chavez
(Courtesy, Elks Lodge #966 Six-Bells, January 2016)