President’s Corner 04.16.2024
I apologize for posting this month’s “President’s Corner” later than usual, but I appreciate your understanding so I could tend to some family issues.
Preparations are in full swing for this year’s Annual Reception
scheduled for Sunday, September 15th at the Elks Lodge.
A very Happy Passover to all of our Jewish neighbors.
Thank you to John (Tym) Tymczyszyn, who has graciously volunteered to be your new Treasurer for 2024. As you know, I had assumed this role for the last few months in the absence of Lori Terzolli, who underwent cancer surgery. Thank God Lori’s recovery efforts are going well.
Although membership is now at 352, we are still at over a 100-member deficit from last year with a subsequently lower income $2,670. On a positive note, new members rose to 18% of this year’s membership and we thank Ed and JoAnn Storti for this, whose Welcome Wagon continues to reach out to our new South Shores neighbors. We will also continue soliciting members through phone calls, emails, letters, mail chimp, and member efforts. Lower membership places a strain on the ability to host a quality Annual Reception, which will likely force us to make some financial sacrifices and adjustments in the coming months. As of March 31st, the bank balance is $5,397 with no outstanding bills.
To date, the Zoning Department has not made a ruling regarding the “drive-through coffee establishment” on 25th Street & Western Avenue.
We are grateful to those volunteers steadfast at cleaning up Western Avenue, which has been both aesthetically unpleasant and a significant fire hazard.
Anita’s “Sociables” will meet again on April 28th.
Bob Genest presented CyberWatch data for the first quarter of 2024 and enumerated preventative measures to thwart auto thefts.
We welcome new neighbor Bob Chiurazzi, who is spearheading a concept similar to the “Sociables” called “Couples.” We look forward to receiving and implementing new ideas put forth by our neighbors.
There will be a 4th of July Neighborhood Block Party on Vallecito Drive, open to ALL South Shore Community Association (SSCA) members. With the assistance of Councilman McOsker’s office and the efforts of Brian Ward and Erin Sato, this BYO (bring your own) food and drink event will hopefully resurrect an American tradition in South Shores. More information to follow.
Jerry Gaines continues his persistent efforts in addressing both the Western Avenue speed limit (on approach to 25th Street) as well as the traffic signal installation at the intersection of 25th Street and Moray Avenue.
Our new 66th District Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi has made significant strides in reaching out to his constituents by hosting Town Hall meetings and presentations. The next one is scheduled for May 11th in Torrance to address homelessness.
The SSCA website is continuously undergoing technological and modernization enhancements to increase accessibility to relevant issues for our membership. As such, I urge you to visit the SSCA website at or
Below, you will find the application and invoice. Members are welcome to join or renew throughout the year. Membership for 2024 remains at $20.00 but will likely increase in the future if membership cannot be restored to previous levels.

Thank you to those of you who attended the March Business Meeting. To those of you who did not, you were missed at an entertaining, lively (mostly), and informative event.
Richard F. Scandaliato
President SSCA