President’s Corner 02.20.24

It is with great excitement that I announce the 2024 Members Only Business Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. 

Invitees include Assemblyman Muratsuchi, LA County Supervisor Hahn, Councilmember McOsker, and LAPD SLO Shortle.  Though not all will be available to attend, representatives of theirs will be addressing the South Shores Community Association (SSCA).  And if you wish to be on the SSCA board, nominations will be open to the floor that evening. 

The 2024 membership drive is slower than anticipated; however, almost 25% of this year’s membership is comprised of “new” members.  We have a long way to matching last year’s number of 485, so please reach out to family and friends and encourage them to renew or join.  Our reward – the Annual Members Only Reception at the Elks Lodge in September – could be in jeopardy without sufficient membership.   

Additional upcoming events include the Sociables get together on Saturday, March 2nd, the resumption of Sidewalk Brigade neighborhood cleanup March 10th and the continuation of Cul-de-Sac “Meet & Greets.”  Not to be forgotten is the long-awaited “Conditional Use Permit” hearing on Thursday, March 6th at 10:30 a.m. conducted via ZOOM, during which the 25th & Western Starbuck proposal will be discussed.  Under the leadership of Bob Genest, CyberWatch continues to prove remarkable as it recently aided in an arrest of the individual who stole two doors off a Jeep Cherokee.      

Our SSCA website is continuously undergoing technological and modernization enhancements to increase accessibility to relevant issues for our membership.  I urge you to visit the SSCA website at or  

Membership for 2024 remains at $20.00 per household and here, you will find the application and invoice.  Although new members are welcome to join or renew throughout the year, dues would be appreciated if received by April 7th.